discovering god

A place to explore your walk with God, resources from renowned Bible teachers ad evangelists


Short and share-able videos addressing common objections and challenges around the Christian faith.

Andy Bannister 

Prior to working with Solas, Andy was Director and Lead Apologist at the Canada office of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. Andy holds a PhD in Islamic studies and is an Adjunct Research Fellow at the Centre for the Study of Islam and Other Faiths at Melbourne School of Theology. Andy is the author of An Oral-Formulaic Study of the Qur’an and his latest book, The Atheist Who Didn’t Exist (or: The Terrible Consequences of Really Bad Arguments), is a humorous engagement with the New Atheism. When not traveling, speaking, or writing, Andy is a keen hiker, mountain climber, and photographer. He is married to Astrid; they have two children, Caitriona and Christopher. See more at

“We are in desperate need of daily forgiveness and if you need evidence for that doctrine, turn on the news any time of day.” Unpacking the power of the Lord’s Prayer–a prayer that tells us about reality as it actually is–RZIM Senior Vice President Abdu Murray digs deep into the Christian calling to become people of forgiveness with a reminder that prayer tells us not only who God is but it also tells us who we are.


sheltering in god

Professor David Jeremiah

Des Campbell from Rose of Sharon Ministries shared this great Word of encouragement